Special #Crimes Team #Christmas Plans

In the spirit of #Christmas and the upcoming #holidays, I asked the members of the Special Crimes Team about their plans for the day.christmas_tree_and_fireplace

Lieutenant Williams: has invited Dr. Irene Nelson, FBI, to share #Christmas Day with his artist son, Danny, and him.

Sergeant Nita Slowater: plans a hike in the Mount Baker Wilderness area

Detective Frederick Albert: politely declined to share his plans

Detective Maizie O’Hara: will visit her #family and extended family where there will be a lot of singing, eating and gift giving

Officer Juan Rodriquez: will visit his brother who is currently serving time for murder

Officer Driscoll Mulder: will be hosting a Christmas Day feast for homeless gay and lesbian youths, “and any other homies who wanna show up”.

Ronald Arneau: will spend a quiet day with his mother

What are your plans for Christmas Day? Would love to hear.

Christmas tree and fireplace photo courtesy of: Petr Kratochvil, http://www.all-free-downloads.com

Be sure to fill those stockings with BOOKS!

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2 thoughts on “Special #Crimes Team #Christmas Plans

  1. Joyce Hertzoff

    Our tradition is to have Chinese food, since until recently those were the only restaurants open, and then see a movie. We’ll see whether we stick with tradition this year.

    1. Aya Walksfar

      Since we don’t follow that particular faith, since Betty and her mother, Grandma Yehle, (they used to live with us until they died) we don’t do anything different than any weekend day usually. The last one however, my sister was having a rough time, and she is of a different faith but has always had big gatherings at her place until last year, so we went up there had dinner, and vegged out with a movie marathon.


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