Tag Archives: SpecialCrimesTeam



#Governor Andrea Marleton crossed her shapely legs and rested her long, elegant fingers in her lap. She cocked her head to one side and her long, auburn hair swung over her shoulder, framing one side of her oval face. Large, expressive dark eyes studied Lieutenant Michael Williams as he sat on the spindly-legged, antique chair. The only thing in the expensively decorated governor’s library that looked congruent with Mike’s rugged face was the books crowded together on the bookshelves behind him. She glanced at her wristwatch. 8 PM. Her choice of the library in the governor’s mansion was not be accident. The room radiated serious purpose. Mike was a serious man. In her opinion, too serious since his wife Emily died of cancer eight years ago and his police daughter was killed while saving a young girl’s life.

governor's mansion library

“Mike, let’s be reasonable. You are the logical person to head my Special Crimes Team. You’re a lieutenant and you have maintained the best clearance rate of any homicide #detective in the state of Washington, bar none.”

He carefully shifted in the chair as if afraid that any sudden movement might cause it to shatter. “I am being reasonable, Andrea. I’ve put in my years in law enforcement and it’s time to quit. I’m tired of butting heads with my superiors.”

She chuckled. “As I’m sure they are tired of butting heads with you since you have a knack for doing exactly what you planned to in the first place.” She uncrossed her legs, clasped her hands between her knees and leaned forward. “That’s why this is perfect for you. You answer to no one, except me.” She sat up straight and put her hands out, palms up. “What could be more perfect?”

“Time at home with my son.”

All joviality faded from her face, leaving only the look of determination that her political opponents so dreaded. “I need you to head the team, Mike. Harvey Realto was not only the wealthiest landowner in #Washington State, he was also a big contributor to my last campaign.” She held up a delicate hand when he started to interrupt. “That isn’t the real problem.” She bit her lip, a habit she’d been trying to break. “It’s come out that several months ago he beat a young man who worked on his ranch so badly that the boy will carry several facial scars for the rest of his life. The boy was gay. I didn’t know he was like that, Mike.  You know I don’t hold with that kind of bigotry.”

Mike grunted and glared at her. “Told you that you needed to vet your contributors, Andrea.”


“Gregory Whitehall is an incompetent ass.”

“Yes, well.” She sighed and settled against the uncomfortable back of the settee. “He’s a necessary evil. Mike, I’ve gone to bat for you….”

“That was because you owed Eleanor Hastings, big time.”

She threw her hands up in the air. “What will it take to get you to accept? Yes, so far this monster has only murdered two men, both who arguably deserved what they got and worse, both wealthy men who used their positions, power and money to sidestep justice for crimes we all know they committed. But, Mike, what happens when this vigilante doesn’t get the full story before he strikes; what happens when he goes after someone who was perhaps falsely accused? Do you really want an innocent man’s death on your conscience when we both know the best hope we have is for you to head a team whose only goal is to stop this maniac?”

She knew she’d scored when he began rubbing one hand over his hair. Like her lip chewing, it was a telling gesture.

He stood and paced over to the bookshelves, ran a thick finger along the books’ spines. When he turned back to face her, his heavy features were set and she knew whatever he demanded she would have to concede or he would walk away.

“I’ll head your Special Crimes Team, Andrea, but there are conditions. It’s my team. I don’t care who you pick, but they answer to me; not you. No jurisdictional boundaries to stall my investigations. When a case meets the criteria for my team, the other jurisdictions hand over the case; I head it and let them know how they can assist. One crime scene unit on-call for us. If they’re at another scene, too bad. Put it on hold for a different unit. Lab work we need goes to the head of the queue. No special considerations for politicians or wealthy people. Even if I decide I want to investigate you, no one will try to strait-jacket me, got it?”

She nodded, sensing that he wasn’t quite finished.

“Top of the line equipment. Computers, cell phones, digital cameras, whatever we need in technology. You can scrimp on the office furniture.”

When he jammed his hands in his front pockets, she knew he’d finished with his list of demands, nothing she didn’t expect. “I can agree to all of that, Mike. The only thing I want in my control is the media. Let Gregory handle the media. The man is an ass, but he’s the best PR person I’ve ever seen. I swear he could make people believe it’s the dead of night at high noon.”

Mike narrowed his eyes, and for a moment she thought he might balk. “Whitehall can have the media,” he held up one blunt-nailed finger, “unless I feel that it interferes with my investigation. At that point, I will do whatever I feel is necessary, understood?’’

A smile slowly spread across her lips as she stood. He met her in the center of the conversation area and they shook hands over the antique rosewood table. “Understood.”

As he put his hand on the doorknob, he twisted his head and peered over his shoulder. “Andrea, I don’t doubt that you’re sincere about wanting to catch this killer before someone dies who shouldn’t, but I also know if he can’t be caught in a timely fashion that you won’t hesitate to throw me, and my team, to the media wolves.”

She didn’t respond as he stepped out and quietly closed the door. Above everything, she was a political animal, and sometimes that called for distasteful sacrifices. He understood her too well, and sometimes, she hated him for it.

To learn more about the SPECIAL CRIMES TEAM read: SKETCH OF A MURDER, NOW AVAILABLE at http://www.amazon.com/Sketch-Murder-Special-Crimes-Team-ebook/dp/B00KU6AIPQ

or visit Author AYA WALKSFAR at:


The above photos of the Governor’s Mansion in Olympia, Washington and the Library in the Governor’s Mansion in Olympia, Washington are from the Washington Governor’s Mansion Foundation at http://www.wagovmansion.org/photogallery/  Many thanks to this great non-profit, non-political organization for all of its efforts toward preservation of Washington State’s heritage.


SKETCH OF A MURDER  (excerpt from Book 1 Special Crimes Team)

#murdermystery by #AyaWalksfar


Dr. James Benning sat at his usual table near the west wall of O’Toole’s Bar and Eatery on Fifteenth. It was eight o’clock on the evening of April 29th. He forked up the last of his New York cheesecake, topped with real strawberries and hand-whipped cream, then leaned back in the brown, padded leather booth, and sighed contentedly as he sipped his coffee. Pure Kona coffee flown in from Hawaii.

It’s over. Ding-dong the bitch is dead, and I’m finally free! He smiled, stood up, tossed some bills on the table, and strutted out of the restaurant. He took a deep breath of the warm night air and strode toward the lot where he’d parked his BMW.

Now to shut up that bitch, Christina Ryan. Really burned her ass that no one could prove I was anywhere near Carkeek Park when Rebecca was beaten. Stupid bitch would still be alive if she’d gotten the abortion, like I told her.   

He spotted the white paper stuck under his windshield wiper while still four stalls from his vehicle. “Damn solicitors. Should be a law to keep them from sticking papers on other people’s cars,” he muttered. When he got to his car, though, he realized the white paper was a business-size envelope. Frowning, he pulled it from beneath the wiper blade.

Meet me at Carkeek Park. You know the place. The same place that you left Rebecca bleeding and dying. Alone. At midnight. I have something that belongs to you. How much do you think the tabloids would pay for the scoop of the year? Mayoral Candidate Murders Ex-Wife.



The half moon threw watery, silver light on the black ribbon of the packed dirt path. Head up, shoulders back, Benning entered a tunnel formed by newly leaved trees.


His steps dragged to a halt. Head tilted, he listened. A twig. That was just a twig breaking. But…. Brows furrowed, he turned in a slow circle.

Big-leaf maples loomed overhead, shaggy with small ferns sprouting like wayward clumps of hair in the bends of moss-covered tree arms. Tall bushes grew profusely along the path. More ferns, some three feet tall, grew in wild profusion among the trees.

Nothing. Probably a dog stepping on a dry twig. Enough dogs and twigs around here! 

Pace a little faster, he walked a few feet when he heard it. A rustling. Like someone sneaking through the bushes next to the trail. He stopped, peering from one side to the other along the pathway. “Okay, bitch, come on out. Quit playing your fucking head games.”

The pale green needles of a conifer entwined with the darker green needles of Douglas firs. He stared for a long minute, trying to see through clumps of wiry-limbed bushes heavy with white berries.

Nothing. He gave a half-hearted shrug and then spun with military sharpness, quickly moving out again. A squirrel. It’s only the rustling of a gray squirrel.

“Bitch probably won’t show. Wait until I get a hold of her, she’s going to wish she’d never gotten involved,” he threatened in an undertone.

A breeze soughed through the trees, young leaves whispered to each other. Somewhere a truck roared to life. The rumbling of its engine, muted by the thick vegetation, sounded far away. A shiver ran down his spine.



He’d never felt quite so isolated. “Almost there. Just around that curve then I’ll see if she shows. I want this done. Fucking bitch better show.”  Unconsciously he hunched his shoulders. Embarrassed by his own weakness, he began to turn to look behind him.

Out of the shroud of night, a solid piece of maple limb slammed into the side of his head.

Every Tuesday at six am, personal headlamp firmly strapped in place, Professor Lucy Holliswood jogged through Carkeek Park on one of the lesser-used paths. On this day, her pale cone of light flashed over something…something at the side of the path.

She had jogged this same route every morning for ten years on her way to The Happy Bean, her favorite coffee shop, just up the street from Art’s Supermarket. In all that time she had never seen so much as a discarded paper cup. She slowed to a near stop, peering at the dark object. What the…? A black leather loafer, toe perfectly aligned with the edge of the packed dirt of the path. Although the thickness of the salmonberry and Oso berry bushes obstructed her line of sight, she thought she saw…a pair of light-colored pants?

She crept forward. The second shoe, a long stride behind the first one, looked as if the owner had vanished mid-stride. A half-step farther along on the ground she found a pair of beige slacks neatly laid out. The dirt around them had been carefully brushed free of twigs and leaves. Crease still perfect, but ruined by the dirt on one knee as if the wearer had fallen.

Where in the Sam Hill is the man who owns these clothes?  They certainly aren’t what the homeless men wear. And why would anyone lay them out like this, so neatly? 

She pushed forward, arm held up to deflect the slapping branches. Her mother’s voice whispered in her mind, “Someday, Lucy, that curiosity of yers is gonna gitcha in trouble.”

Above the slacks, a white shirt laid flat, arms crossed neatly over the buttoned up front. An expensive-looking, pale gray tie lay on the ground above the shirt. The tip of the tie, lying an inch above the collar of the shirt, drew her eyes. Her eyes followed the straight line of the stretched out tie.

She barely captured the scream with her knuckles as she scrambled backwards.

SKETCH OF A MURDER: BOOK 1 SPECIAL CRIMES TEAM is available: http://www.amazon.com/Sketch-Murder-Special-Crimes-Team-ebook/dp/B00KU6AIPQ

The woods image:  Image courtesy of dan at FreeDigitalPhotos.net





Interviewer: Mr. Arneau, thank you for coming to this #interview.

Ronald Arneau: (grins) Just call me Ronald. Everyone except the Special Crimes Team does.

Interviewer: Why don’t they call you Ronald?

Ronald Arneau: (shrugs) Everyone’s too uptight right now.

Interviewer: Why’s that?

Ronald Arneau: (frowns) This case we’re working on…(shakes head) It’s, well, it’s really difficult, but that’s all I can say about it or Lieutenant Williams will skin me.

Interviewer: (smiles) Okay, I won’t ask anything else about the case. I don’t want to get you skinned. May I ask why you wound up on the Special #Crimes Team?

Ronald Arneau: (presses lips together for a moment before answering) Well, the governor wanted me on it. That’s really all I’m allowed to say. I don’t need to piss the governor off. (murmurs very softly: again)

Interviewer: (steeples fingertips together) All right. I don’t want to tick off the governor, either, so we’ll leave that line of questions. Tell me, Ronald, what do you do on the Special Crimes Team? You’re not a #cop, are you?

Ronald Arneau: (Big grin) Not a cop. Don’t want to be a #cop.

I do whatever they need done that involves a #computer. Like the first thing Lieutenant Williams wanted me to do, even before we had our first official team meeting, was to set up everyone’s #laptop and create a Team Room where everything about the case can be posted.

Interviewer: Hmmm… Don’t laptops come pre-installed these days?

Ronald Arneau: (sits up straight and leans toward interviewer. Eyes are sparkling with enthusiasm) Most laptops that the general public would purchase come with a basic operating system and whatever application you order. The laptops for our team require additional software that only the police department has access to, as well as additional security software.

Interviewer: (cocks a brow at Arneau) Hmmm, I get the feeling you are telling me much less than the whole truth with that answer. What is a Team Room?

Ronald Arneau: You can think of a Team Room as a big library where we can securely store all kinds of information about active cases, and even have an archive for closed cases. This allows the team members to share information more easily.

Interviewer: (purses lips, gives a little whistle) Wow, that sounds darn complicated. I’m a technosaur, myself. What else will you be doing once everything is set up?

Ronald Arneau: Well, if they need research, I’ll do that; post #crime scene photos in the Team Room, examine computers or storage devices recovered in raids to extract evidence, trace IP addresses to find where communications or postings originated. If any of the team members have a problem with their laptop I can trouble shoot and help resolve those issues. Like I said before, anything related to a computer is my job.

Interviewer: (widens eyes and rolls them)  Wow! I’m impressed! That’s a brain fry; maybe we can move on to something that I’ll actually understand.

Ronald Arneau: (chuckles)

Interviewer: Do you live in #Seattle?

Ronald Arneau: (face settles into serious look) Yes. I wanted to get my own place, but I’ve kind of put that off for a little while. My dad’s sick.

Interviewer: I’m sorry to hear that. Sounds like you’ve lived here for a while. What are some of your favorite things about Seattle?

Ronald Arneau: I grew up in Seattle. I guess the thing I like most about Seattle is the #Pacific #Science #Center. My parents started taking me there when I was a kid.

Interviewer: What do you like about the Pacific Science Center?

Ronald Arneau: (big grin) I love Science on a Sphere. They use computers and video projectors to display these radical images of the atmosphere, oceans and land on an illuminated sphere about six feet in diameter. And the images are dynamic. There’s datasets that let the system explain complex environmental processes. That exhibit just opened in 2010.

Then there’s the Laser Dome….Man, that is so awesome. These laser artists do live laser art set to music. Really slammin’.

The IMAX Theater is really great, too. The Hunger Games is going to be shown there soon.

But I guess one of the things I’ve loved about the Center for years is the Tropical Butterfly House. You walk into this tropical jungle set up and there’s all these different types of live butterflies, just hanging on the plants and walls, and flying around, and sometimes they even land on you. There’s even a chrysalis viewing window where you can watch a new butterfly emerging.

Interviewer: I’ve gone to the Pacific Science Center years ago, but now I’m going to have to make time to visit it again. I’d forgotten about the Butterfly House, and the Laser Dome.

Well, Ronald, I’m afraid we’re out of time, already. It has been a pleasure talking with you.

For those who would like to know more about the Pacific Science Center:


To learn more about Ronald Arneau, read Sketch of a Murder, Book 1, Special Crimes Team   http://www.amazon.com/Sketch-Murder-Special-Crimes-Team-ebook/dp/B00KU6AIPQ

Sketch of a Murderebook 7 30 2014





Interviewer:  Dr. Irene Nelson is with us today. Thank you, Dr. Nelson for consenting to this #interview.

Dr. Nelson:  (inclines head slightly) My pleasure.

Interviewer: How did you happen to be assigned to the #Special #Crimes #Team, Doctor?

Dr. Nelson: Governor Marleton and I met a few months ago at a conference. When she felt it would be beneficial to create a special law enforcement unit to deal with certain crimes that crossed jurisdictions, she contacted the Assistant Director. They had known each other for years, so it was logical to ask him for input. My name came up, and….(she spreads her hands a little in an open gesture with a small smile) here I am.

Interviewer: Are you referring to the #murders of Dr. James Benning and Roland Henry?

Dr. Nelson: Those cases were assigned to the Special Crimes Team.

Interviewer: Wasn’t Dr. Benning a contributor to Governor Marleton’s last campaign?

Dr. Nelson: You would know the answer to that question better than I would. Politics is not my forte.

Interviewer: From my research, I understand that Lieutenant Williams, the head of the Special Crimes Team, has in the past objected to what he referred to as “Bureau interference.” How did he feel about Governor Marleton bringing you in?

Dr. Nelson: (face very serious) Lieutenant Williams is a dedicated professional law enforcement officer. He recognizes that additional resources can sometimes produce quicker results.

Interviewer: (gives a little grin) Hmm. So he really wasn’t all that thrilled at getting an #FBI agent dumped in his case, but figured that since he couldn’t kick you out, he’d take advantage of the extra help. Is that about right?

Dr. Nelson: (a smile tugs the corners of her lips. Her eyes twinkle) What an interesting theory based on your original question and my response.

Interviewer: I hope you aren’t offended, but I did a bit of research on your career.

Dr. Nelson: I’m honored that you found me that interesting.

Interviewer:  It seems that you’ve taken the long road to where you are today. Your first career was as a heart surgeon then you became a psychiatrist.  Why?

Dr. Nelson: I found heart surgery rather …predictable.

Interviewer: Is that code for boring?

Dr. Nelson: It is never boring to save a life. (She gives a small smile that takes any sting out of her words) I simply find the mind a more interesting part of the human body.

Interviewer: How does a heart surgeon slash psychiatrist– whose father is a well-known heart surgeon and whose mother is an equally well-known gynecologist– go from practicing psychiatry to becoming a Special Agent in Charge with the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and then from there go on to join the Behavioral Analysis Unit, the #BAU, of the FBI?

Dr. Nelson: (raises a brow and quirks a smile) My, my, you really did research my background. (all levity fades from her face) However, you didn’t spread your net quite wide enough. A few years after I began practicing psychiatric medicine, my first cousin, Peter O’Reilly, was murdered in his own home. He had been a Special Agent in Charge for a number of years. His killer was eventually apprehended due to the work of the BAU. Being only children, and growing up in the same neighborhood, Peter and I were exceptionally close.

Interviewer: I’m sorry for your loss, Dr. Nelson. And, you’re right; obviously I didn’t research deep enough. Thank you for sharing.

Dr. Nelson: It’s been many years since Peter’s death, but I still miss him.

Interviewer: (glances at watch) It appears that our time is almost up. We’ve been talking about some pretty serious stuff, so let’s end this on a happier note. Will you share with us one #facebook page that you enjoy, one #restaurant you love, and one place you want to go visit someday?

Dr. Nelson: (a big smile spreads across her face and up to cause her eyes to twinkle) I’d love to. One #facebook page, hmm, (taps lip with index finger) I believe the one I am currently enjoying the most is called Wild and Wise Women; a close second, though, is one called Cops Kind to Critters.

As for a restaurant…. As you know, I live in Virginia and haven’t been in this area for long; however, I met a lovely lady at Pike Place Market in #Seattle and we got to talking. She told me about a small eatery in #Anacortes. She said the town itself was well worth the drive north and she recommended #Gere-a-Deli as the place to have lunch. It’s in an old bank building on Commercial Street. The prime rib sandwich had thick slabs of prime rib, the bread was melt-in-your-mouth fresh, and the deserts are simply to die for.

Interviewer: Wow, now I’m hungry!

Dr. Nelson: (chuckles) You really have to try it out. Now, the last question: a place I would like to visit.  ( a dreamy look settles on her face) There are so many beautiful places in our world: #Mount Haleakala on #Maui in the Hawaiian Islands. I’ve seen photos of it, simply fascinating. #Yellowstone Park, I’ve never been there, but I’ve always wanted to see the geyser, Old Faithful. A cruise to Alaska’s on my list, too. (Her light laugh is like warm chocolate) However, of all the beautiful places I have yet to see, I think the one I would most like to visit is the #Redwood #Forest in California. Even though I am not a woodsy-type woman, I feel it must be so inspiring, so spiritual to walk among those ancient trees.

Interviewer:  I did have the good fortune a few years ago to visit that area. Those trees are truly awesome, and the drive is beautiful.  Well, Dr. Nelson, we are out of time. I want to thank you again for coming.

For those who would like to know more about Dr. Nelson’s choices:

Facebook:   https://www.facebook.com/wildandwisewomen


Redwood National Park:  http://www.redwood.national-park.com/

Maui, Hawaii:  http://www.gohawaii.com/maui/regions…maui/haleakala-national-park

Gere-a-Deli, Anacortes, Washington:  http://www.gere-a-deli.com/

To learn more about the Special Crimes Team and Dr. Irene Nelson:

To learn more about Irene Nelson, FBI, read Sketch of a Murder http://www.amazon.com/Sketch-Murder-Special-Crimes-Team-ebook/dp/B00KU6AIPQ

Stay tuned to this blog for all the latest and greatest!

Visit Aya at http://www.facebook.com/ayawalksfar   or   http://www.facebook.com/AyaWalksfarAuthor




I have been asked: what is the most difficult scene to write? That one is easy: #sex.

Now don’t get me wrong. It isn’t from lack of experience! No, the challenge stems from the fact that #sex is such an intense experience that to write it well I must decide how much detail is enough while making sure I don’t cross the line into too much. I hate it when I am reading a book and really want to shout, “TMI!”

The other thing that makes the writing of #sex scenes difficult is that I am a product of my time/era. I grew up during a certain period of history, in a specific #culture with its particular cultural norms that was nestled within the mainstream #culture. My family expressed our #culture in a certain way, and with that way comes a set of morals, ethics, viewpoints, perspectives, and obligations.

I must negotiate my way through those constraints to arrive at my own definitions of what is acceptable. But, isn’t that what writers do? We take where we came from, how we grew up, what we learned and what we dream and define the alternate realities that we create.

Beyond the personal, there is the major constraint of the story, the novel that I am writing. Scenes, whether sex scenes, battle scenes, or death scenes, must fit within the context of the story. I cannot simply decide I need some filler material so I’m going to write a battle scene, or maybe a juicy, hot sex scene. To employ such devices would create a jarring sense of disconnection within the story.

The #SpecialCrimesTeam murder mystery series I am writing does not lend itself to sex scenes, so in Book 1: Sketch of a Murder the reader will find battle scenes and death scenes, but not much in the way of sex.

In the second edition of #Good #Intentions, a literary #novel, sex is present, but more hinted at than actually shown.

Good Intentions Final cover

On the other hand, in my coming vampire series, Book 1: Artemis’ Warriors, there are very detailed sex scenes. Graphic sex is an integral part of the story.

While there is no simple solution to how I handle writing those challenging scenes, whether they are sex scenes, battle scenes or some other scene, the one constant is that a writer must be true to her vision of the story. I must know my #characters intimately enough to know how much is too much, how much is not enough to lend the #novel its verisimilitude.

I would be interested in hearing from my readers if they feel there should be more, or less, sex in my (soon-to-be-released) novels: #Good #Intentions, second edition, and Sketch of a Murder. Once you have read the novel, you can leave a comment on my blog, or leave a comment on my facebook page. Both books should be released by my publisher, Mountain Springs House (#MSH) by the end of this month.

Stay tuned to this blog for information on the release dates for Good Intentions and for Sketch of a Murder.

Meanwhile, you are invited to visit #Aya on #facebook:  http://www.facebook.com/ayawalksfar