Tag Archives: novel

Ruby Standing Deer Interviews Aya Walksfar

I was very honored when Ruby Standing Deer, one of my favorite authors, interviewed me for her blog. We sat down with a cup of coffee and kicked back. Ruby has a wonderful way about her, makes a person feel right at home.
We chatted about my recently released novella, Dead Men and Cats, a murder mystery. Then she had me tell her about my two upcoming novels: Good Intentions, a different kind of coming-of-age story, that is due out in July, and Sketch of a Murder, the first book of the Special Crimes Team series featuring Sergeant Nita Slowater. (You can read the interview at http://www.rubystandingdeer.com )
I’ve noticed this friendly, inclusive attitude in Ruby’s writing as well. When I read her book Circles I felt like I had been invited to that ancient Native American village. If you get a chance, visit Ruby at http://www.rubystandingdeer.com I highly recommend Ruby’s books Circles, and the second book of that series, Spirals. The third book, Stones, is coming soon.

Interview with Sergeant Slowater

I am happy to introduce our guest today. Sergeant Nita Slowater of the Special Crimes Team. Sergeant Slowater, how are you today?

Sergeant Slowater: Busy.

Um, well, yes, I can imagine. You are second-in-command of the Special Crimes Team. What an honor that must be.

Sergeant: Yeah, right. Look, can we hurry this along?

Uh…yes, sure. I understand your team is working on a murder case. Can you tell me a little about it?

Sergeant: No, I cannot. It is an ongoing investigation.

Well, does it have anything to do with the murder of a couple of our more prominent Washington state citizens?

Sergeant: I said, I cannot talk about the ongoing investigation.

Sergeant Slowater, I get the distinct impression that you are rather hostile. Is it me, it is being interviewed for a blog, or just what is it?

Sergeant: I am a cop. Cops and reporters are not on the same side. You people will do anything to get a story, even if it endangers police officers. So, yes, you might say I’m a bit hostile. Look, I can’t sit here all day sparring with you. I have work to do.

I can’t believe this, she just walked out! Wow. Guess we’ll have to try to do an interview with a different Special Crimes Team member one of these days. I did get the impression though that she had a reason for her hostility. Now, that might be a real story there!

Some Fun Stuff

I love it when people ask me about my novels and short stories.  Some of the fun conversations that I’ve had include this one:  how do I find the various hair colors for my characters?

Talking to hair stylists is really fun.  Many of these good-natured folks are happy to share their passion for hair.  I have talked with  everyone from a fun  guy who gives hundred dollar haircuts to the great young women at chain salons such as Hair Masters.  They can really tell some stories!

Of course, at three in the morning when I often do a lot of my writing, my friends at the hair salons would not appreciate a. being woke up  b. being interrupted during party-time!  So, I’m on my own, and that’s a scary thought! Especially since I’m a wash-and-wear sort of woman.

For those long nights, I hit a website called Best Wig Outlet.  www.bestwigoutlet.com  They actually have a chart of a wide variety of hair colors.

So, there you have it.  My secret.  Be sure to visit the Best Wig Outlet.  It’s a fun place.